These past four months have really rocked my world to a truly unbelievable point, which is where I currently am.
As most of us know, the economy has truly ben a rollar coaster that is headed and on a downturn that makes your heart jump and drop at the same time where you almost cannot catch you breath or scream and that is how I feel...
I lost my job a little over a month ago and it completely rocked my world, everything I had done and worked hard for and knew for the past three months was gone. Now three months... that seems like a small time frame, but consider that I spent forty hours there a week beginning the two days after graduation and now everything I seemed to know and had worked for was gone. Consider it a disconnect from the culture and the people as well as lack of commitment that was desired and a splash of economy and the biggest blessing I could have ever been given, not to thank them but to really thank GOD!!! [THANK YOU, GOD!!!]
I was devastated at first, part of my identity lied in working even if it was just for three months, it was everything I did and day in and day out. And now I had free time and no money lined up. It was a huge hit finanacially to lose that income and I'm still somewhat scrpaing to stay afloat and alive. But there is so much I have to tell you about the amazingness of God...
I started applying for jobs and unemployment immediately, unemployment which was later denied, oh well. I have more misses that hits with job, there just isn't anything out there. I found a job nannying through Megan that is twice a week and have had a job interview with a church in Glendale (which I had yesterday)... a great thing is that when I began working at my last job I began putting about 20% of my money away, so now I am living off of that with a few cutbacks of eating out and such and it'll last until the end of summer. The idea that I would be able to survive until the end of the summer, got me thinking about Camden more and more obviously... and about two weeks after losing my job I began praying and considering the possibility of going to Camden for the whole summer with my team. I could not believe I didn't consider it sooner...
Through prayer and lots of talks with my parents and friends and mentors and through some amazing signs through God,
If you like to hear the story of how God brought me to this decision let me know...
So now however, I must raise some more money which I think will totally happen, but I need your help through prayer and financial help...
I am so excited for this summer and for my team and am so excited for what God has in store for us and to be reunited with the kids and some of the interns and that I will be sharing this experience with so amazing girls I have selected and have begun training these past few months.
My amazing team and beautiful girls.
We will be leaving in two months and be away for two months as well and I cannot wait to share my experiences with you! :)
I am so excited to really just experience true community and love and to continue working with Urban Promise... this will really be my last opportunity to spend this much time there because I will be finishing my last five graduate classes and be done with my master's and jumping into the "real world" and finding out and figuring out what I want to do with my life...
Keep in touch and keep reading.
Have a wonderful weekend! Love you all.