The morning began on Friday, as I got the kids up and fed them breakfast. As they ate I prepared food for my work potluck, I got them to get dressed and allowed them to watch a bit of TV while I got ready. I prepared their lunches, as it was time to send them, one kid went missing. I called out for him outside and inside as his little brother told me that sometimes he just leaves for school without his backpack or lunch. Finally I found him... at the far end/back of the house... using the bathroom and not responding to my calls, which I learned throughout the weekend that he does that when he's pooping in the back bathroom.
I sent the eldest walking off to school down the street. As I loaded the other two into my car (after clearing the back seat, since I'm used to traveling for one and having everything, everywhere). As they were buckling their seat belts, I asked "little one" where his backpack was and sent him back into the house to get it, after waiting almost five minutes, I came to find him waiting at the gate, but he couldn't reach the latch to get out to the car. Off we went, I dropped them off and off I went to work.
Arriving home from work I came home to find the boys watching TV and soon got the kids ready for the eldest to go to soccer practice. As I packed them into the mini van, off we went to practice. As the eldest debated with me where his practice was, I had specific instructions and directions. Yet again I was right, although I did debate internally. One thing I learned is that kids have no sense of direction.
As I dropped off eldest one, I took the other two to the Farmer's Market. They told me they didn't want to go, but I knew better that they would enjoy it. As we walked up to the beginning of the market, tiny one told me that they hadn't been to the market in 25 years or so. I just laughed because I'm not even 25 years old yet.
We walked through the market, with one holding my hand with the other one in sight. We stopped as they got to play with little African instruments, then we walked and bought their mom two pairs of earrings that the boys picked out. Then they helped me pick out two flower headbands. As we left the market, I let the boys pick out dessert for dinner, one picked a caramel white chocolate oreo apple, while the other picked out two cookies.
We picked up the eldest from soccer and made the trek home. I prepared them dinner and then fed them dessert and sent them off to bed after one episode is TV.
Saturday started with getting the kids breakfast while they all got their soccer clothes on. Finding soccer shoes and socks is another story. Off we went to the first game for middle one. I sat on the playground so that way I could watch the little and eldest playing, while middle one played in his game. My allergies were going crazy standing on that soccer field at 9am. I was questioned by a little Asian boy, who was so stinking cute as he asked me why? about five different things.
Game one finished and we ran home to get water bottles and snacks, Then off to game two where we dropped eldest one and then stayed for pre-practice and I took little two to lunch. Then we came back for eldest and then got him lunch and then had about a 45 minute break. Then off to little ones game we went, I kept them entertained with my phone as they played games.
After the game is was swim time for the boys. They lasted about 30 minutes before they were tired and then I made all of them take a shower/bathe now to save time at night. I tried to teach them, while they waited for me to clean, they could get clean and then wouldn't have to shower later. Off to In N Out we went and I showed the eldest (a vegetarian) the beauty in animal style fries. Those three little boys have complicated orders: 1) grilled cheese, 2) a cheeseburger with no tomatoes and ketchup only, 3) a protein style burger with spread only.
Sunday morning started with making pancakes for the boys and then they got ready for church. Off we went to church and it was a beautiful old church. It reminded me of the old churches I would see every weekend on the East Coast. We dropped eldest off in the acolyte room and then we were escorted to the third row of the church. It was a traditional Presbyterian church and was very traditional. As the eldest walked in at the front and attempted to light the candle, he had two much of the wick hanging out and little bits of flames began to fall from the traditional candle lighter, I almost though he might set this beautiful church on fire. The service started and the boys went off to Sunday School after the children's sermon. The service was good and more amusing was the cute guy in the choir nodding off asleep. Afterwards, the boys grabbed a donut and off we went back home, followed by a quick trip to the grocery store.
My favorite about the grocery store, was that middle one said he needed cough drops because he had been coughing. I told him he had coughed over the past three days and then he proceeded to let out a cough and everyone in our aisle began to laugh. We then walked out and I prepared miso soup for lunch then the boys got dressed to go swimming. The boys had a play date while I got to tan and read. Eldest got a time out as he was bullying middle and I sent him inside to shower. The boys then got Wii time and then we made dinner and then went to pick up their mom from the airport...
To make this long story short, the things I learned this weekend:
1) Being a soccer mom is hard.
2) I greatly respect single mother so much more, as I played a single soccer mom.
3) Six year olds, need to learn to list the seat when they pee, I cleaned pee at least 4 times.
4) Little boys throw their clothes everyone, and leave towels all over the bathroom floor.
5) Being a mom is exhausting.
6) Kids say the darnest things and have no real estimate of time.
7) Their hugs and love are the best, and holding their little hands warms my heart.
8) I've never done so many dishes.
9) Kids are expensive, from soccer teams, karate practices, tutoring, babysitters, food, and more.
10) Boys will eat you out of house and home, especially a 10 year old. He is always hungry or trying to sneak food.
While I love those little tykes, I was happy to give them back at the end of the weekend and while I think it definitely prepared me for motherhood, I want to really relish in enjoy time with my husband when were married before having children, God-willing.