October 26, 2013
There are some days that walking through town is really
amazing and a nice outing, and then there are other times that you get
frustrated with the society and expectations, even more the entitlement in
Haiti. One of the greatest challenges we face in Haiti in the cross-cultural
divide has to do with money, and along with that expectations, dependency, and
entitlement mentality.
A man begged us for money outside the store. He followed us
in and kept begging for bread or money. He kept grabbing my arm. Another lady
poked us as she asked for money repeatedly. As we walked back, the other girl
missionaries and I began talking about entitlement.
There is so much entitlement here in Haiti- sometimes I
think even more so than what I’ve seen in the United States. Maybe the
entitlement is more hidden amongst all of our earthly possessions in the United
States as we possibly all feel entitled. I think the entitlement comes in us as
the traveler also as we want to give our things out. Our handouts defeat the
systems that the missionaries are trying to put in place when we overstep them
thinking that we know best because we saw one version of the country in a
ten-day trip.
There is so much temptation when you visit a country to want
to jump in and fix all of the problems, but sometimes we neglect to ask the
right questions. The first time you go on a mission trip, especially to Haiti,
your heart aches to help or even save these people that you encounter. You buy
bracelets, you hand out dollars or shoes and maybe you even build relationship with
people so that you can give them your things at the end of the trip. You can be
helping them so much because there is a great need of those items or for that
extra dollar for a family. Don’t get me wrong there is legitimate need and the
opportunities in Haiti are massive. But you can be hurting the people in doing
this and the sad thing is we don’t even realize it.
I’m often asked for things because of my skin color in
Haiti. Sometimes it makes me really sad because I would love to pour and invest
in relationship with people I come into contact with, not just give them things
because they ask. Sometimes giving things out, not knowing a person’s story or
circumstance belittles the systems organizations have in place. At least for 35
years, this has been happening as long as the mission has been around. Teams
come and they go and they leave their things behind, but it sometimes creates a
cycle. The white people have things and so we can just ask for them. There is
no trust, true relationship or even accountability built.
The biggest
unintended consequence is building an entitlement mentality among the people of
Haiti. The more we individually jump into a situation and solve third-world
problems with first-world money and expertise, third-world citizens will begin
to believe their problems could only be solved by first-world people. As a
result, entitlement sets in, and nothing is done by Haitians unless it is paid
and accomplished by American missionaries.
In all our efforts with our Haitian staff and with those we
serve in our communities, we are evaluating the consequence of our investments
to safeguard our efforts from the entitlement mindset. We encourage Haitians to
take ownership of the ministry and communities God has given them. Sometimes
the presence of American missionaries equals riches and luxury. Understanding
these realties, we want to alleviate any unnecessary difficulties for our
indigenous people and leaders and, at the same, empower them to lead their communities
and churches to change their communities with integrity and passion.
I see this all the time in my everyday life here in Haiti-
here are some good examples and some bad examples of entitlement:
-They ask for things and Americans readily give them things.
We had one woman who sent a package of beans and rice for a family here. They
paid the baggage fees for another person to bring it and then berated us with
emails about getting the family the package. When we opened it and discovered
that it was beans and rice, we laughed. Sending money through a missionary to
purchase the items in the marketplace here would allow us to help the local
economy. Instead of money wasted on baggage fees it could have been used for
ministries in need here.
-A previous team member promised items to a bracelet boy
without checking with the team bringing the items or the missionaries. When the
mission decided they would not give out the gifts, what happen? The boy became
upset and aggressive because the American has promised him. It put the team and
missionaries not only in an uncomfortable position but it also could jeopardize
their safety. Another boy was upset with the bracelets system we have in place
and began waving a stick in an intern’s face because we were taking away the
opportunity for him the monopolize (more on that below). We’ve had people
attempt to send them iPods and phones and wire money. There is no accountability
in doing those these because often times the kids lie about their story. We had
a boy within our orphanage that had a Facebook created in his name and was
controlled by someone in town, he began requesting money from friends of the
missionaries who sponsor him. It wasn’t the boy in our system, it was someone
There are numerous accounts that are run by not who they say they are,
that is why we always want giving to go through our programs. We have plenty of
children who are in need within our programs. Not all boys are trying to work
the system, but there are lot who are because that’s what they have been taught
about how to survive. This one boy in particular continues to abuse relationships with Americans, just recently he cheated two boys out of money that Americans sent via a wire transfer. Instead of checking with our systems or missionaries, they just willing sent over hundreds of dollars and now these two boys can't go to school.
-We desire to equip,
not give them entitlement:
-“Be my friend? Buy bracelet from me?” is the question that
we would often get asked in the streets. The kids desire to build friendships
for the mere fact that you will purchase something from them. As Americans come
each summer, the front gates would be crowded with children screaming at you to
be their friend. The summer ends, where do all those kids go? Most disappear
back to their village or home, never to step in front of the mission until the
next summer or the next American team comes in. Instead, we have begun to
eliminate these types of relationships. We hold a bible study with our “bracelet
boys” and while we are studying, we give out lists of names from the Americans
staying with us. We divide the lists up,
so that certain boys are capitalizing on the business. We allow them to
equally be making the same amount.
Last summer, there was a boy who would
friend all the Americans on FB and would build “relationships” with multiple
people then he would get them to give him the names because their friends. Instead
of making the bracelets, he then made younger children make them and gave them
a small percentage of the money. He monopolized on the children and made them
pay him a majority of any money made.
-We have an amazing brothel ministry here at the mission in
Haiti. We could easily pay for these women to get out of the brothel, purchase
them new homes and provide for their every need. But what would that teach?
Instead we have a ministry with them, we build relationships with them. They
come to know God, not because of what we do but because of how Jesus works
through us. We taught them to make earrings, necklaces, and bracelets and we
sell them in our cantina and stateside. We stand alongside them, not giving
them a handout but teaching them skills to survive. There is bible study and a
message given each time we meet to make jewelry. The message is given by a
woman leader within the community. We help them establish bank accounts with
the money they make from the jewelry, teach them about savings and we teach
them about tithing.
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