Saturday, July 19th, 2008
It’s our “DAY OFF”!
About 15 of the interns went on the Saturday trip to the beach and then some stayed at their intern houses. At about 10am eight of us went to the Loews Theater and saw the “Dark Knight”. I was so BA, pardon my French. It was really good and there was so much to discuss about it because so much went on in the movie and there was a lot to talk about it in regards to biblical reference as well.
Afterward, Mary and I prepared some leftovers for lunch and then Sean, me, and Mary had Bob drop us off in Philly. Sean had some friends who were going to be in Philly for the day and so we didn’t want to roast out in the sun all day at the beach and I had been wanting to go to Philly at least one day during my visit and Mary was up for hanging out we all wondered down Market Street. We went and saw the Liberty Bell and then we went and hung out in the park next to Independence Hall for about two hours and read and listened to music off of Sean’s Ipod. Also we watched a woman feed the birds (Mary Poppin’s anyone? Or Home Alone?!).
We then met up with Sean’s friend and Mary bought us all smoothies and we sat and talked in the park for about 45 minutes and then Sean’s friends left and we headed back to Urban Promise.
I love spending time with Sean and Mary. They have truly blessed my life.
As Christians and followers of Christ we are called to serve on another and help those in need so as we were walking down Market Street, we stopped to talk to this parapalegic man sitting on the sidewalk with his two canes. Mary gave Orlando a banana and we just talked to him about what we were doing in Philly and about LA and we just listened to his story. While there I found a city paper and the headline was, “Who will pray for Camden?” As we stood there talking to this nice man, I just thought, I will pray for Camden. Sean and Mary will pray for Camden. The interns will pray for Camden and my church will pray for Camden. We as Christian and followers of Christ must pray for Camden because we are called to serve each other, we are called to serve our neighbors whether they are close or far from us. While we were talking to Orlando this man behind us called Sean and I over and so we walked over and met this man named Eddie. Eddie offered us some money thinking that we were missionaries and were out wandering and serving the city. Which made me think, no matter where we go, aren’t we serving if we are showing God’s love and giving a listening ear to a stranger. Eddie told us how God has blessed his life although he’s struggled, and how he has learned to share what riches he does have with others and to spread the love. In that moment I was just like wow, how great is God that he would have someone with less things than I (not to say that someone "lesser" would serve me, but that someone who has really struggled and been homeless would still offer up what little he has to a stranger because they were in need... like WOW!) be someone that would speak into my life. God surprises you and teaches and shows you things when you least expect it and when you lend a listening ear. We went back and continued talking with Mary and Orlando and then Eddie came over and offered Orlando some fruit. True giving and love in that moment. True sacrifice and truly all done through God's love.
Just... WOW.
On the city bus back “home”, we met a woman (who we never got her name) and we began talking to her about how we were headed back to Camden and she told us about herself and about how her fiancĂ© was killed on the streets and how she had just recently had everything she owned stolen (she is homeless) including her Bible that she loved. She talked about God and about how to protect yourself on the streets. When she said she no longer had a Bible, I wished I had had my Bible with me to give to her. As much as my Bible meant to me, if I would have had it the idea that it could serve someone like it had served me brought me to a point I have never experienced. To give something that I treasure to another person because maybe they needed it more that I ever would and just the idea of giving up of something to someone else just because, without any questions asked. As the woman got ready to exit the train, I said a silent prayer and Mary gave her, her little Bible. After she got off the train the three of us talked about how we all wanted to give our Bible to this woman because she was so sweet and caring and how we wanted her to have God’s word with her always.
Our day in Philly was just amazing, I learned and experienced so much in those few hours we spent there.
A Glimpse of Mi Vida...
It started with a missions trip to Camden, where my life and perspective were changed and where this blog began. Life has been a roller coaster filled with its ups and downs and I'm excited for the adventure and discovering what God has in store, even though I really dislike roller coasters... I am a Lady in Waiting...
Monday, July 28, 2008
FRIDAY!!! July 18th, 2008...
Friday, July 18th, 2008
Since I only have two camp days left in Camden, I spent today at Camp Grace. Today was “Capture the Flag” so more than half our kids were missing and after the kids playing the tournament left, we had less than twenty kids left so we had a hang out day. I gave some money and we bought snacks for later. We took all of the kids upstairs after breakfast and they hung out and played games. We had chess, Connect 4, pool, Wii, an airhockey table, and a pool table. So we just hung out and played with the kids for two hours. I taught Asyria (Karles’ sister) how to play pool and she was pretty good.
Today was the last day of my picture… my camera died and I have failed to find a charger. So there will be some picture stealing to complete my time. Haha.
I went back to UP after camp and hung out with Sean and the kids and did walk homes.
Tonight was Staff Night and so I spent it with Camp Spirit and we all loaded up in the mini bus and headed to Applebees for dinner. Our group had about 25 people and we ended up going to Friendly’s to have dinner because they could accommodate us. Sean and I shared a salad and we (our end of the table; me, Sean, Dana, and Jenny) just talked about anything and everything, especially about how God continues to work and surprises us. I love those moments of stories and sharing and that continued building of community.
After we got back to UP we just hung out and ended up watching Aladdin upstairs.
Continuing to Build Community... July 17th
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Community is such a great and powerful thing. Eating, drinking, and being merry…
Short story:
Last summer I was originally suppose to be at Camp Spirit, but was moved to Camp Grace before I arrived in Camden when one of the interns decided not to come. I have always felt a connection and got along with the interns and staff on East Side and spent sometime with the kids there last summer.
Since I spend several hours at HQ after camp days, I have spent quite a bit of time with the kids of Spirit and done a lot of walk homes with Sean and attended most of the basketball practices during my visit. I love hanging out with these kids and they are hilarious and I have some great memories and inside jokes from them…
Today I spent the day at Camp Spirit. I got up and took a quick shower and walked across the street to camp and did devotionals with the staff. I prayed with Jenny and Stephanie and then we got ready for the kids to come in. Spirit has between 2-4 times as many kids as we have here, although we have some tough kids, they have the numerous amounts of kids. After opening program, I ended up talking to Nadia for about an hour about Urban Promise and the one they started in Canada and the possibility of starting one in LA or even Azusa is just such an amazing idea to me. After talking with her I painted one of the boys’ camp shirts and then the kids had a half water day. I managed not to get too wet although I almost did a few times. After camp I went to do some laundry and then headed back to the basketball for the Grace vs. Spirit game.
I was so torn as to who I should cheer for. Naturally I had to cheer for Grace because their my camp, but I was secretly also rooting for Sean’s little boys team because I have watched them practice. It was hard not to cheer when they made a shot, although our little Grace boys rocked it… especially since we have some third graders playing on our 5th/6th grade team since we don’t have enough players. At half time, little boys and the girls teams were tied and our older boys were winning by 8 points. At the end of all of the games, our little boys lost by one point (Yay! Sean’s team… ssh!), my girls won (my bible buddy Karles made the winning shot) by one point, and our older boys won. After the game I had to separate and calm some of the Spirit girl’s nerves and attitudes because they were “fighting” and arguing with each other.
After the game Mary, Josh, and I went grocery shopping at Save-A-Lot because I was going to make the East interns a nice and yummy meal. After some trouble getting all of the ingredients and some burnt rice… we ate dinner at about 8pm or so. I made two trays of chicken enchiladas, and one tray of red cheese enchiladas, we had refried beans, and some “crispy” rice (I was trying to do too much at once and burnt some of the rice… but everyone said they liked it because it added flavor… I think they were just trying to be nice. I felt bad about it). We prayed and then we ate dinner then we all cleared the table. About four of us then cleaned the kitchen and did dishes and then we all went upstairs to the SL hangout room and had ice cream (some yummy warm brownies I made with vanilla ice cream or crushed pineapple with rainbow sherbet) and watched a movie. We watch ‘John Tucker Must Die’ and it was hilarious mostly because it was so unrealistic.
The community of Urban Promise is so amazing to me and is like family, sometimes the family and community that I have always longed for. You long to be with each other and just be in each other presence, sometimes in silence and sometimes talking and crying together. In Camden, you know you are in the presence of God because we’re all there to serve him. I think what makes this community so great is that there is an unconditional love and a foundational understanding. We are all in Camden for the same reason, to serve and that reason instantly creates a foundation and a bond among everyone. So anything else is just an added bonus that makes the relationships great and strong. We are all there to learn to love and to love and to experience God’s love and to show it. So when you have a tough day or a great day, with one look we know how each other is feeling. Every silent moment, every tear, and every conversation bonds us closer together and gives us new perspective and understanding of another. We are all experiencing the same heartaches, burdens, joy, and praises and so every touch, hug, and smile comes out of an unconditional love for each other. We are learning to love God and love each other and the kids. I miss the community everyday that I am away because in that community I feel loved every single day. In that community I know that I can run to someone or with someone to God and they will accept me with an open-mind, heart, and arms. I love the community that Urban Promise has built and continue to builds.
I pray that this sort of community can continue to be brought back to our homes!!!
Community is such a great and powerful thing. Eating, drinking, and being merry…
Short story:
Last summer I was originally suppose to be at Camp Spirit, but was moved to Camp Grace before I arrived in Camden when one of the interns decided not to come. I have always felt a connection and got along with the interns and staff on East Side and spent sometime with the kids there last summer.
Since I spend several hours at HQ after camp days, I have spent quite a bit of time with the kids of Spirit and done a lot of walk homes with Sean and attended most of the basketball practices during my visit. I love hanging out with these kids and they are hilarious and I have some great memories and inside jokes from them…
Today I spent the day at Camp Spirit. I got up and took a quick shower and walked across the street to camp and did devotionals with the staff. I prayed with Jenny and Stephanie and then we got ready for the kids to come in. Spirit has between 2-4 times as many kids as we have here, although we have some tough kids, they have the numerous amounts of kids. After opening program, I ended up talking to Nadia for about an hour about Urban Promise and the one they started in Canada and the possibility of starting one in LA or even Azusa is just such an amazing idea to me. After talking with her I painted one of the boys’ camp shirts and then the kids had a half water day. I managed not to get too wet although I almost did a few times. After camp I went to do some laundry and then headed back to the basketball for the Grace vs. Spirit game.
I was so torn as to who I should cheer for. Naturally I had to cheer for Grace because their my camp, but I was secretly also rooting for Sean’s little boys team because I have watched them practice. It was hard not to cheer when they made a shot, although our little Grace boys rocked it… especially since we have some third graders playing on our 5th/6th grade team since we don’t have enough players. At half time, little boys and the girls teams were tied and our older boys were winning by 8 points. At the end of all of the games, our little boys lost by one point (Yay! Sean’s team… ssh!), my girls won (my bible buddy Karles made the winning shot) by one point, and our older boys won. After the game I had to separate and calm some of the Spirit girl’s nerves and attitudes because they were “fighting” and arguing with each other.
After the game Mary, Josh, and I went grocery shopping at Save-A-Lot because I was going to make the East interns a nice and yummy meal. After some trouble getting all of the ingredients and some burnt rice… we ate dinner at about 8pm or so. I made two trays of chicken enchiladas, and one tray of red cheese enchiladas, we had refried beans, and some “crispy” rice (I was trying to do too much at once and burnt some of the rice… but everyone said they liked it because it added flavor… I think they were just trying to be nice. I felt bad about it). We prayed and then we ate dinner then we all cleared the table. About four of us then cleaned the kitchen and did dishes and then we all went upstairs to the SL hangout room and had ice cream (some yummy warm brownies I made with vanilla ice cream or crushed pineapple with rainbow sherbet) and watched a movie. We watch ‘John Tucker Must Die’ and it was hilarious mostly because it was so unrealistic.
The community of Urban Promise is so amazing to me and is like family, sometimes the family and community that I have always longed for. You long to be with each other and just be in each other presence, sometimes in silence and sometimes talking and crying together. In Camden, you know you are in the presence of God because we’re all there to serve him. I think what makes this community so great is that there is an unconditional love and a foundational understanding. We are all in Camden for the same reason, to serve and that reason instantly creates a foundation and a bond among everyone. So anything else is just an added bonus that makes the relationships great and strong. We are all there to learn to love and to love and to experience God’s love and to show it. So when you have a tough day or a great day, with one look we know how each other is feeling. Every silent moment, every tear, and every conversation bonds us closer together and gives us new perspective and understanding of another. We are all experiencing the same heartaches, burdens, joy, and praises and so every touch, hug, and smile comes out of an unconditional love for each other. We are learning to love God and love each other and the kids. I miss the community everyday that I am away because in that community I feel loved every single day. In that community I know that I can run to someone or with someone to God and they will accept me with an open-mind, heart, and arms. I love the community that Urban Promise has built and continue to builds.
I pray that this sort of community can continue to be brought back to our homes!!!
7/16/08... Wednesday... at Camp Saved today...
Wednesday, July 16th, 2007
Today I spent the day with Camp Saved at their new camp location. Last year camp was located off of Broadway and Berkeley, whereas this year the new site is located literally up the block from the downtown intern house. I spent the morning before camp and during breakfast with my Moochie. Moochie said she didn’t remember me and then I showed her a picture of us from last summer and she said that she kind of remembered me and hanging out last summer. After a fun and gross opening program (they did a fear factor shake) I ended up hanging out in the 1st/2nd grade class for the day.
There is this little kid Thomas who I remember from last summer and he remembered me, a little. He is so adorable. He is like a little man, he’s going into the second grade but he looks just like a man, but as big (or rather small) as a 2nd grader. Haha. I enjoyed hanging out with and spending the day with Thomas, although he was a little difficult and kept “fighting” or being disruptive in class and didn’t want to sit down or stay still in most of his classes.
The cutest moment was when we were in art class and they were making like tambourine noise makers out of two paper plates stapled together with beans in the center. Thomas has colored one of the paper plates with a picture of his mom and was ready to assemble his noise maker and I told him he should color the other paper plate and he put his tiny hand on my arm and looked up at me (in that touch and look you could see his innocence and feel his love) and asked me what he should draw and I told him the sky. He began to draw the sky and put whatever I suggested into his picture. He finished and we assembled his noise marker, put the beans in and stapled it. We didn’t put enough staples the first time and several beans fell out and he began to collect them. He told me that he and his mom loved to eat beans and so he’d collect some to bring home for dinner and that he wanted to plant some in his backyard. There was one point that he wanted to get a whole handful from the bag and his teacher told him that he could collect any that he could find on the table or the floor, but he couldn’t have anymore than that. It was so cute watching him searching the table and floor for more beans and then trying to hold his 20 or so beans in his little hand and counting them and desire to bring more home to his mother. At one point he gave me his noise maker and I was so happy and blessed, but then he took it back and said it was for his mom and did this about two more times. Then as he looked for more bean and played with his new art project, I sat in his seat and he looked up and me and gave me a little attitude and said, “You’re in my seat.” And I said so back. And then he went and sat on my lap and we hung out for the remainder of class and played with my camera just before class ended. After art class we went to recreation and the kids played dodgeball. At first he didn’t want to play and sat next to me in the shade leaning against me with his arm on my leg and then he would run out and play and would return to me after he got out. We then went back inside after class was over the kids had lunch.
After camp I returned back to UP and I went and hung out with Sean and his basketball team and stayed and watched their practice. Sarah and I during their practice went to the corner store and bought some ice for their water jugs for the practice because it was so hot out and I bought something to drink and a patello (a meat empanada) to eat. Afterwards Sean and I did walk homes and then we just relaxed until choir practice. Actually our relaxing consisted of spending two hours making the boys basketball tshirts on our “day off”. Haha. We rocked them though and the shirt look great.
Choir practice was good and entertaining as always and we practiced “Taste and See” for our performance for Sunday at the new Urban Promise. The sopranos (me, Courtney, and Me-Linh) had a tough time getting our note because it is so high, but Cleveland eventually helped us out. Courtney and I tried not to laugh during practice because Garrett kept dancing and being funny outside our practice room.
Tomorrow I’m spending time at Camp Spirit…
Today I spent the day with Camp Saved at their new camp location. Last year camp was located off of Broadway and Berkeley, whereas this year the new site is located literally up the block from the downtown intern house. I spent the morning before camp and during breakfast with my Moochie. Moochie said she didn’t remember me and then I showed her a picture of us from last summer and she said that she kind of remembered me and hanging out last summer. After a fun and gross opening program (they did a fear factor shake) I ended up hanging out in the 1st/2nd grade class for the day.
There is this little kid Thomas who I remember from last summer and he remembered me, a little. He is so adorable. He is like a little man, he’s going into the second grade but he looks just like a man, but as big (or rather small) as a 2nd grader. Haha. I enjoyed hanging out with and spending the day with Thomas, although he was a little difficult and kept “fighting” or being disruptive in class and didn’t want to sit down or stay still in most of his classes.
The cutest moment was when we were in art class and they were making like tambourine noise makers out of two paper plates stapled together with beans in the center. Thomas has colored one of the paper plates with a picture of his mom and was ready to assemble his noise maker and I told him he should color the other paper plate and he put his tiny hand on my arm and looked up at me (in that touch and look you could see his innocence and feel his love) and asked me what he should draw and I told him the sky. He began to draw the sky and put whatever I suggested into his picture. He finished and we assembled his noise marker, put the beans in and stapled it. We didn’t put enough staples the first time and several beans fell out and he began to collect them. He told me that he and his mom loved to eat beans and so he’d collect some to bring home for dinner and that he wanted to plant some in his backyard. There was one point that he wanted to get a whole handful from the bag and his teacher told him that he could collect any that he could find on the table or the floor, but he couldn’t have anymore than that. It was so cute watching him searching the table and floor for more beans and then trying to hold his 20 or so beans in his little hand and counting them and desire to bring more home to his mother. At one point he gave me his noise maker and I was so happy and blessed, but then he took it back and said it was for his mom and did this about two more times. Then as he looked for more bean and played with his new art project, I sat in his seat and he looked up and me and gave me a little attitude and said, “You’re in my seat.” And I said so back. And then he went and sat on my lap and we hung out for the remainder of class and played with my camera just before class ended. After art class we went to recreation and the kids played dodgeball. At first he didn’t want to play and sat next to me in the shade leaning against me with his arm on my leg and then he would run out and play and would return to me after he got out. We then went back inside after class was over the kids had lunch.
After camp I returned back to UP and I went and hung out with Sean and his basketball team and stayed and watched their practice. Sarah and I during their practice went to the corner store and bought some ice for their water jugs for the practice because it was so hot out and I bought something to drink and a patello (a meat empanada) to eat. Afterwards Sean and I did walk homes and then we just relaxed until choir practice. Actually our relaxing consisted of spending two hours making the boys basketball tshirts on our “day off”. Haha. We rocked them though and the shirt look great.
Choir practice was good and entertaining as always and we practiced “Taste and See” for our performance for Sunday at the new Urban Promise. The sopranos (me, Courtney, and Me-Linh) had a tough time getting our note because it is so high, but Cleveland eventually helped us out. Courtney and I tried not to laugh during practice because Garrett kept dancing and being funny outside our practice room.
Tomorrow I’m spending time at Camp Spirit…
SWIM DAY... 7/15/08... Tuesday
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Today was SWIM DAY for Camp Grace.
It was a day earlier because Friday is going to be the “Capture the Flag Tournament”. Swim day was good, the sun was out and I hung out with Tatiana and Dayna and then sat on the edge of the pool most of the day. I did find out that my Bible Buddy Karles was suspended from camp and swim day today because she slapped Clarence in the face at camp yesterday. There is a no fighting rule and so Albert had to suspend her although he didn’t want to. Clarence and another boy had been teasing and mocking Karles and since they refused to stop, she slapped Clarence almost across the face. Albert told her to just come to him next time and he’ll take care of things, instead of resorting to violence.
After camp I hung out at UP and was just listening to music and journaling and online. Soley did a whole show of love songs for Sean, it was pretty entertaining.
I just love hanging out and being in community with other people.
I leave in a week.... :(
Today was SWIM DAY for Camp Grace.
It was a day earlier because Friday is going to be the “Capture the Flag Tournament”. Swim day was good, the sun was out and I hung out with Tatiana and Dayna and then sat on the edge of the pool most of the day. I did find out that my Bible Buddy Karles was suspended from camp and swim day today because she slapped Clarence in the face at camp yesterday. There is a no fighting rule and so Albert had to suspend her although he didn’t want to. Clarence and another boy had been teasing and mocking Karles and since they refused to stop, she slapped Clarence almost across the face. Albert told her to just come to him next time and he’ll take care of things, instead of resorting to violence.
After camp I hung out at UP and was just listening to music and journaling and online. Soley did a whole show of love songs for Sean, it was pretty entertaining.
I just love hanging out and being in community with other people.
I leave in a week.... :(
7/14/2008... Monday... with a side of Funfetti
Monday, July 14th, 2008
Today I spent another day with Jeri and did a VBS project for another quilt. We did it at a church in Collingswood, a church that we actually sang at last year. The kids did a pretty good job on the quilt. Afterwards as a thank you Jeri took us to lunch at the tortilla press and it was so yummy.
Later that day I helped with the Camp Faith and Spirit camp nights, I barbequed for Faith and then I made a bunch of cookies for Spirit and hung out with some of the interns for a little while. After camp night was over and I helped clean, we all hung out and then I left for Cleve’s house to pack. Urban wanted me to move into the Trekker House on East because his wife was going to be out of town and didn’t want to create any weirdness or awkward situations, which is understandable. I moved into the Trekker House on the third floor and then Josh drove the boys home and so I said goodnight and began to unpack a little bit this evening.
Yummy funfetti cookies... my speciality... notice the heart shaped one in the corner.
Funny story:
I was helping Matt set-up and cook the food for the camp night and this little girl walks up and sees us talking at asks us how long we’d been dating, just because we were talking to each other. And then she tried to hook us up or get us to date since we weren’t. I just thought that it was funny that if you talk to the opposite sex or they see you with someone a few times, then they assume that ya’ll are dating.
Today I spent another day with Jeri and did a VBS project for another quilt. We did it at a church in Collingswood, a church that we actually sang at last year. The kids did a pretty good job on the quilt. Afterwards as a thank you Jeri took us to lunch at the tortilla press and it was so yummy.
Later that day I helped with the Camp Faith and Spirit camp nights, I barbequed for Faith and then I made a bunch of cookies for Spirit and hung out with some of the interns for a little while. After camp night was over and I helped clean, we all hung out and then I left for Cleve’s house to pack. Urban wanted me to move into the Trekker House on East because his wife was going to be out of town and didn’t want to create any weirdness or awkward situations, which is understandable. I moved into the Trekker House on the third floor and then Josh drove the boys home and so I said goodnight and began to unpack a little bit this evening.
Yummy funfetti cookies... my speciality... notice the heart shaped one in the corner.
Funny story:
I was helping Matt set-up and cook the food for the camp night and this little girl walks up and sees us talking at asks us how long we’d been dating, just because we were talking to each other. And then she tried to hook us up or get us to date since we weren’t. I just thought that it was funny that if you talk to the opposite sex or they see you with someone a few times, then they assume that ya’ll are dating.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
SUNDAY... 7/13/04... I leave in a week... :(
Sunday, July 13, 2008
I am spent, exhausted, happy, tired, and in love with my trip and the city of Camden. Today was quite a whirlwind of good and sorrowful emotions. After getting back from New York yesterday I hung out with Molly and Sean for a little while and then Molly and Josh and I just hung out until about 2am and then headed to the Trekker House and Molly and I stayed up and talked for about a half hour longer.
After going to bed at about 2:30am, I woke up at about ten to 7am and had a shower and got ready for choir. Sean, Mae, Courtney, and I rode in the van with Jeri and her husband to the choir performance and everyone else rode in the UP bus. We slept or attempted to sleep the entire way (2 hours), the van was quite uncomfortable however. We got to the church a little less than half an hour before the service and the rest of the choir didn’t arrive until about 5 minutes before the service started.
We sang two songs and then had lunch at the church and then headed back to UP. Not long after Sean and I went with Molly to Philly to take her to the bus stop to leave back home to D.C. Her and I had a long goodbye and I hugged her and just whispered safe wishes and told her I love her and I looked up and she was all teary-eyed and I was a little bit as well. Molly is such an amazing woman and an amazing friend, I was so glad I got to spend my first week back in Camden with her. I know we’ll be friends for a very long time.
Our little group headed back to UP and then I read some scripture from the Bible and just thought and reflected on everything. We headed to First Baptist in Haddonfield and had dinner that the church there and then everyone broke into their cell groups and I hung out with Erin Main and talked about her mini t-shirt business and her designs. Then we had service and it was amazing.
I’ll talk more about all of my feelings regarding what happen, but basically God is good and I am so happy and blessed to be back in Camden and I am so sad that I have to leave and go back to life in a week. With Molly gone and just thinking about how great God has been and reflecting on last year and how much I’ve grown up in the past year, I began crying during one of the worship songs and then I was okay. And then Sean sang a song and played piano and at that point I had lost it, I was balling like crazy, to the point that I couldn’t even open my eyes with all of the tears streaming down my face. I could only listen and thank and pray to God as more and more tears ran down my face. We sang a few more worship songs and I continued to cry and then Tony Campolo spoke about a little bit of everything and about youth.
I got to see Brent after the service, finally! Then I just chatted and hung out with some of the interns and there were lots of looking into each others and lots of hugs. We headed back to UP and I packed up my stuff to go back to Cleve’s house and then hung out in the girl’s house and Kumar gave me a ride back and here I sit writing, completely exhausted.
I love you all and cannot wait to tell you of just the amazing God things happening!
Love love love.
Below are some more pictures from New York...
I am spent, exhausted, happy, tired, and in love with my trip and the city of Camden. Today was quite a whirlwind of good and sorrowful emotions. After getting back from New York yesterday I hung out with Molly and Sean for a little while and then Molly and Josh and I just hung out until about 2am and then headed to the Trekker House and Molly and I stayed up and talked for about a half hour longer.
After going to bed at about 2:30am, I woke up at about ten to 7am and had a shower and got ready for choir. Sean, Mae, Courtney, and I rode in the van with Jeri and her husband to the choir performance and everyone else rode in the UP bus. We slept or attempted to sleep the entire way (2 hours), the van was quite uncomfortable however. We got to the church a little less than half an hour before the service and the rest of the choir didn’t arrive until about 5 minutes before the service started.
We sang two songs and then had lunch at the church and then headed back to UP. Not long after Sean and I went with Molly to Philly to take her to the bus stop to leave back home to D.C. Her and I had a long goodbye and I hugged her and just whispered safe wishes and told her I love her and I looked up and she was all teary-eyed and I was a little bit as well. Molly is such an amazing woman and an amazing friend, I was so glad I got to spend my first week back in Camden with her. I know we’ll be friends for a very long time.
Our little group headed back to UP and then I read some scripture from the Bible and just thought and reflected on everything. We headed to First Baptist in Haddonfield and had dinner that the church there and then everyone broke into their cell groups and I hung out with Erin Main and talked about her mini t-shirt business and her designs. Then we had service and it was amazing.
I’ll talk more about all of my feelings regarding what happen, but basically God is good and I am so happy and blessed to be back in Camden and I am so sad that I have to leave and go back to life in a week. With Molly gone and just thinking about how great God has been and reflecting on last year and how much I’ve grown up in the past year, I began crying during one of the worship songs and then I was okay. And then Sean sang a song and played piano and at that point I had lost it, I was balling like crazy, to the point that I couldn’t even open my eyes with all of the tears streaming down my face. I could only listen and thank and pray to God as more and more tears ran down my face. We sang a few more worship songs and I continued to cry and then Tony Campolo spoke about a little bit of everything and about youth.
I got to see Brent after the service, finally! Then I just chatted and hung out with some of the interns and there were lots of looking into each others and lots of hugs. We headed back to UP and I packed up my stuff to go back to Cleve’s house and then hung out in the girl’s house and Kumar gave me a ride back and here I sit writing, completely exhausted.
I love you all and cannot wait to tell you of just the amazing God things happening!
Love love love.
Below are some more pictures from New York...
New York City... 7/12/08
Saturday, July 12th, 2008
Happy Birthday Josh Brady!
Yeah Josh, Yeah!
NEW YORK CITY… oh, what fun!
All of the interns who wanted to go left UP on the Urban Bus and we arrived in New York within two hours and were dropped off near Times Square and had 10 hour to explore the cd.
Our friend Sophie had never been to NY before since she’s from England and so we took her to the classic big Times Square stores like M&M and MTV and then we took her to get some real “kicks” at the Champs store. She was totally here to shop it up.
We then hopped on the subway and went to Chinatown and wandered and shopped around for a couple of hours. I bought some stuff my dad asked me to get (2 FDNY hats and then 1 shirt and then 2 New York shot glasses), an MTV shirt for my dad, and then I bought a pair of sunglasses. We then took Sophie back to Times Square to meet up with some other interns because they were going to go to a show.
Molly and I decided that we wanted to go to the Bronx and explore the culture and everything and see how it compared to Camden so we hopped on the subway. We took the 1 until it stopped and asked these two cool police and subway attendants where we could go and they were really nice and helpful and then Molly and I hopped onto the 2 and then transferred to the 4 and got off on Fardom Street in the Bronx.
Molly and I wondered around and went in a couple of shops, I even bought two skirts for $8 each and Molly bought some cherry water ice and we shared and then we headed back towards Time Square on the 4. We thought that Camden was a lot like Bronx and had some very rural areas and run down areas and a lot of things going on.
We got back next to Central Park and walked through the park a little bit and even watched a little show of street dancers and then we walked a few more blocks and found a nice little bar and grill and pulled up a seat. We decided to order a drink and just share an appetizer sampler platter. The drinks were a little off, but the food was so good and then after we waited for awhile for our check, we left and hopped on the subway towards Barnes and Noble.
Due to construction we had to get off the subway early and book it ten blocks because it was getting really close to 8pm and I was determined to go to the BN in New York, I had been looking forward to it for, forever. We made it there only to realize that I had left my pay stub in my other wallet… but luckily the cafĂ© manager let me use my numbers. Halleluah!
We then hussled four blocks and catch the subway back and after we got onto the street, there was the urban bus. Everyone was meeting about a block and a half way, so Molly and I had a photoshoot in the bus while we waited for everyone. Then we back the two hour bus ride back and tried to sleep. We arrived back at Urban at around 10:30pm and then we began to hang out…
Happy Birthday Josh Brady!
Yeah Josh, Yeah!
NEW YORK CITY… oh, what fun!
All of the interns who wanted to go left UP on the Urban Bus and we arrived in New York within two hours and were dropped off near Times Square and had 10 hour to explore the cd.
Our friend Sophie had never been to NY before since she’s from England and so we took her to the classic big Times Square stores like M&M and MTV and then we took her to get some real “kicks” at the Champs store. She was totally here to shop it up.
We then hopped on the subway and went to Chinatown and wandered and shopped around for a couple of hours. I bought some stuff my dad asked me to get (2 FDNY hats and then 1 shirt and then 2 New York shot glasses), an MTV shirt for my dad, and then I bought a pair of sunglasses. We then took Sophie back to Times Square to meet up with some other interns because they were going to go to a show.
Molly and I decided that we wanted to go to the Bronx and explore the culture and everything and see how it compared to Camden so we hopped on the subway. We took the 1 until it stopped and asked these two cool police and subway attendants where we could go and they were really nice and helpful and then Molly and I hopped onto the 2 and then transferred to the 4 and got off on Fardom Street in the Bronx.
Molly and I wondered around and went in a couple of shops, I even bought two skirts for $8 each and Molly bought some cherry water ice and we shared and then we headed back towards Time Square on the 4. We thought that Camden was a lot like Bronx and had some very rural areas and run down areas and a lot of things going on.
We got back next to Central Park and walked through the park a little bit and even watched a little show of street dancers and then we walked a few more blocks and found a nice little bar and grill and pulled up a seat. We decided to order a drink and just share an appetizer sampler platter. The drinks were a little off, but the food was so good and then after we waited for awhile for our check, we left and hopped on the subway towards Barnes and Noble.
Due to construction we had to get off the subway early and book it ten blocks because it was getting really close to 8pm and I was determined to go to the BN in New York, I had been looking forward to it for, forever. We made it there only to realize that I had left my pay stub in my other wallet… but luckily the cafĂ© manager let me use my numbers. Halleluah!
We then hussled four blocks and catch the subway back and after we got onto the street, there was the urban bus. Everyone was meeting about a block and a half way, so Molly and I had a photoshoot in the bus while we waited for everyone. Then we back the two hour bus ride back and tried to sleep. We arrived back at Urban at around 10:30pm and then we began to hang out…
4th Day of Camp... 7/11/08
Friday, July 11th, 2008
Today I spent time at camp and helped Willie in his Bible class and we played a get to know you game. I also spent some time in Rachel’s art class where they listened to music and drew what they felt or saw when they heard a song. I have noticed that one of my kids (Tony) hasn’t been at camp and I’ve been missing seeing him around I guess he’s been lazy about getting up for camp and I found out that his cousin always makes fun of him too and puts him down, which saddens me because I love him and his cousin. They’re sweet kids on most days. Also Raf has been
After camp I took the StreetLeader bus as it took the streetleaders home and then it headed back to Urban. I was on that bus for about an hour and a half and I fell asleep on the ride back to Urban. I hung out at Urban for awhile and took everyone’s dinner orders because I was going to buy dinner for our staff night and then I went back to Cleve’s and order dinner online and then took a quick shower.
Cleve dropped me back off at Urban and then Albert, Kelsey, Rachel, and I went to the Moorsetown to pick up the food and we got lost on the way back, but finally made it back and ate those yummy burritos. Spirit and Faith were having their staff nights at Urban too and so we all just hung out and ate together and then we just talked and then there were some rounds of “Spoons”. There was more computer lab time and then I listened to Sean playing some music on the piano. It was quite a nice evening until my arm started throbbing from leaning a huge water jug on my arm for the little kids of Camp Faith and Spirit so that they could have some water after their basketball practice.
I was originally suppose to hang out and spend the night at Urban since Autumn was flying back home, but I didn’t feel well and ended up getting a ride back to Cleve’s house.
Today I spent time at camp and helped Willie in his Bible class and we played a get to know you game. I also spent some time in Rachel’s art class where they listened to music and drew what they felt or saw when they heard a song. I have noticed that one of my kids (Tony) hasn’t been at camp and I’ve been missing seeing him around I guess he’s been lazy about getting up for camp and I found out that his cousin always makes fun of him too and puts him down, which saddens me because I love him and his cousin. They’re sweet kids on most days. Also Raf has been
After camp I took the StreetLeader bus as it took the streetleaders home and then it headed back to Urban. I was on that bus for about an hour and a half and I fell asleep on the ride back to Urban. I hung out at Urban for awhile and took everyone’s dinner orders because I was going to buy dinner for our staff night and then I went back to Cleve’s and order dinner online and then took a quick shower.
Cleve dropped me back off at Urban and then Albert, Kelsey, Rachel, and I went to the Moorsetown to pick up the food and we got lost on the way back, but finally made it back and ate those yummy burritos. Spirit and Faith were having their staff nights at Urban too and so we all just hung out and ate together and then we just talked and then there were some rounds of “Spoons”. There was more computer lab time and then I listened to Sean playing some music on the piano. It was quite a nice evening until my arm started throbbing from leaning a huge water jug on my arm for the little kids of Camp Faith and Spirit so that they could have some water after their basketball practice.
I was originally suppose to hang out and spend the night at Urban since Autumn was flying back home, but I didn’t feel well and ended up getting a ride back to Cleve’s house.
3rd Day in Camden... 7/10/08
Thursday, July 10th, 2008
Happy Birthday John!
Today was my brother’s birthday.
Happy Birthday Ashley!
Today is also Ashley’s birthday; she is the Intern Director’s Assistant.
Today I spent the day with Jeri and we went to a vacation bible school at a local church and did a craft project with them because they were raising money for a new Urban Promise bus. The kids painted and wrote on canvas squares and then we would assemble the quilt back at UP in the basement. After finishing with four classes, a total of about 110 kids, we loaded up the car and found a Joann’s to buy some ribbon. We had to buy some bias tape and some ribbon for borders and embellishment.
After we got back from working with the VBS, I went and watched our girls and little boys basketball games. We won both, but the older boys lost it.
Thursday’s are the camps staff planning nights and so we (Autumn, Josh Brady, Mike Zeir, Molly, and myself) met up with Ashley at Cheesecake Factory and had dinner. It was so so yummy, I ordered the Incredible Eggplant Sandwich and then we ordered a slice of cheesecake. We got back to Urban and I walked around and fed people bites of my cheesecake, which was so delicious… it was White Chocolate Raspberry! We also had cake for all of the June/July birthday that had happen already.
Then we all just hung out and talked outside of Urban and exchanged pick up lines… haha. I really enjoy talking and spending time with Sean, Jay, Molly, and Autumn. We stayed there until about a little after 11pm and then Josh K. drove the boys home and then drove me back to Cleve’s house.
Happy Birthday John!
Today was my brother’s birthday.
Happy Birthday Ashley!
Today is also Ashley’s birthday; she is the Intern Director’s Assistant.
Today I spent the day with Jeri and we went to a vacation bible school at a local church and did a craft project with them because they were raising money for a new Urban Promise bus. The kids painted and wrote on canvas squares and then we would assemble the quilt back at UP in the basement. After finishing with four classes, a total of about 110 kids, we loaded up the car and found a Joann’s to buy some ribbon. We had to buy some bias tape and some ribbon for borders and embellishment.
After we got back from working with the VBS, I went and watched our girls and little boys basketball games. We won both, but the older boys lost it.
Thursday’s are the camps staff planning nights and so we (Autumn, Josh Brady, Mike Zeir, Molly, and myself) met up with Ashley at Cheesecake Factory and had dinner. It was so so yummy, I ordered the Incredible Eggplant Sandwich and then we ordered a slice of cheesecake. We got back to Urban and I walked around and fed people bites of my cheesecake, which was so delicious… it was White Chocolate Raspberry! We also had cake for all of the June/July birthday that had happen already.
Then we all just hung out and talked outside of Urban and exchanged pick up lines… haha. I really enjoy talking and spending time with Sean, Jay, Molly, and Autumn. We stayed there until about a little after 11pm and then Josh K. drove the boys home and then drove me back to Cleve’s house.
2nd Day of Camp... SWIM DAY... 7/9/08
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Today was SWIM DAY at camp and the kids always love it. We bus the kids to a state pool in Philadelphia and they get to swim for about an hour. Most of the kids can’t afford to go swimming, so Albert (camp director) or interns will sponsor some of them. So after asking Albert what the needs of the camp are he really said the swimming cost because it is $7 a week, a dollar up from last year and it was all an issue last year. Sometimes about half the amount of kids from the day before will show up because they cannot afford swim day. So I decided to use between $200-250 to sponsor the kids so it will only cost the $5 per day for the remaining of camp. I also want to do the same thing for our little kids camp, Camp Saved. I just want to help and am happy to help where I am needed.
I hung out at UP after camp and helped Jeri paint some squares for some quilts she’s making and then I hung out in the east girl’s house and did some walk homes with Sean today. If the kids live more than five minutes away they get walked home on east side and so I tagged along with Sean because they aren’t suppose to go alone. Sean is an APU student who is an intern for the older kids camp, Camp Spirit. Sean and I had some really good long talks walking the kids home and then walking back to the camp, it was my first time meeting him officially here in Camden although I knew who he was back at APU. After hanging out some more, Molly and I decided to go to 7-11 to grab something to drink, when we walked out of it was pouring rain and we got drenched.
Not too long after getting soaked we had choir practice tonight and it went a little bit over out time limit, God Bless Cleveland. We have a performance on Sunday in north New Jersey and it is about two hours away. Practice went really well, we went over a lot of songs.
Afterwards we finally went to Friendly’s and it was quite interesting, but also so much fun! To have some real food was amazing too. We went back to UP and had a mini-dance party and then Jeri drove me home.
That’s all for now. Love you all.
Today was SWIM DAY at camp and the kids always love it. We bus the kids to a state pool in Philadelphia and they get to swim for about an hour. Most of the kids can’t afford to go swimming, so Albert (camp director) or interns will sponsor some of them. So after asking Albert what the needs of the camp are he really said the swimming cost because it is $7 a week, a dollar up from last year and it was all an issue last year. Sometimes about half the amount of kids from the day before will show up because they cannot afford swim day. So I decided to use between $200-250 to sponsor the kids so it will only cost the $5 per day for the remaining of camp. I also want to do the same thing for our little kids camp, Camp Saved. I just want to help and am happy to help where I am needed.
I hung out at UP after camp and helped Jeri paint some squares for some quilts she’s making and then I hung out in the east girl’s house and did some walk homes with Sean today. If the kids live more than five minutes away they get walked home on east side and so I tagged along with Sean because they aren’t suppose to go alone. Sean is an APU student who is an intern for the older kids camp, Camp Spirit. Sean and I had some really good long talks walking the kids home and then walking back to the camp, it was my first time meeting him officially here in Camden although I knew who he was back at APU. After hanging out some more, Molly and I decided to go to 7-11 to grab something to drink, when we walked out of it was pouring rain and we got drenched.
Not too long after getting soaked we had choir practice tonight and it went a little bit over out time limit, God Bless Cleveland. We have a performance on Sunday in north New Jersey and it is about two hours away. Practice went really well, we went over a lot of songs.
Afterwards we finally went to Friendly’s and it was quite interesting, but also so much fun! To have some real food was amazing too. We went back to UP and had a mini-dance party and then Jeri drove me home.
That’s all for now. Love you all.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
1st Day of Camp... Tuesday, July 8th, 2008
Tuesday (July 8th, 2008)
First day of camp before it starts...
End of the day... after camp and everything...
So I am sitting in my room and I’m finishing up watching “Never Been Kissed” and thought I’d tell you a little bit more about my day. It was just filled with so much love and community, it was truly amazing… it’s almost unexplainable like you just feel this love and the love… just so much love… I could probably show you or tell you in person but online through writing just doesn’t really explain it.
There was love from the kids, the kids that I liked and that liked me and just gave me lots of hugs. The hugs from the kids was just so amazing, it showed me that they were excited to see me and they remembered me and was glad I was there. They have already asked me how long I’ll be staying and my heart partially breaks when I say for two weeks, wishing I could stay even longer.
There is the love for the interns, I got to see all of the returning summer interns today and there were so so so many hugs and happiness to see each other again and lots of smiles, followed by more hugs. Those hugs are just filled with love and understanding and joy and a sense of knowing what its like. Like I’ve mentioned before, I love hugs and getting them and giving them all the time with no judgment, no nothing, just pure love. Love for a brother and a sister and love for a friend.
Next time you see me, give me one of these hugs. Just to be held onto for mere moments is the greatest feeling.
Along with the loving hugs, we began the back scratching parties and massage parties this evening! Another loving act comes out of physical touch and the holding of a hand, the hug, the back-scratch or massaging without even being asked, but just doing it because you want to give someone some form of love of because you think that they could use it or would appreciate the unexpected.
I met some new people today, some of them work group and some of them interns and got to talk to them about myself and Urban and I got to here their stories as well.
My girls and I have been reunited for a few days. Today Molly and I and three of the guys went to pick Autumn up at the airport. We ambushed her while she was waiting for her luggage and having Autumn in town for a few days and Molly here for a few days and then Katie, its me and my girls again and it is great. Also having Hugh here is amazing because he has been like a brother to me and just everyone who I used to hang out with after camp and us all getting to reconnect again.
Things are going great can’t wait to update ya’ll some more. Tomorrow is swim day and I think out possible friends reunion!
Love love love.
First day of camp before it starts...
End of the day... after camp and everything...
So I am sitting in my room and I’m finishing up watching “Never Been Kissed” and thought I’d tell you a little bit more about my day. It was just filled with so much love and community, it was truly amazing… it’s almost unexplainable like you just feel this love and the love… just so much love… I could probably show you or tell you in person but online through writing just doesn’t really explain it.
There was love from the kids, the kids that I liked and that liked me and just gave me lots of hugs. The hugs from the kids was just so amazing, it showed me that they were excited to see me and they remembered me and was glad I was there. They have already asked me how long I’ll be staying and my heart partially breaks when I say for two weeks, wishing I could stay even longer.
There is the love for the interns, I got to see all of the returning summer interns today and there were so so so many hugs and happiness to see each other again and lots of smiles, followed by more hugs. Those hugs are just filled with love and understanding and joy and a sense of knowing what its like. Like I’ve mentioned before, I love hugs and getting them and giving them all the time with no judgment, no nothing, just pure love. Love for a brother and a sister and love for a friend.
Next time you see me, give me one of these hugs. Just to be held onto for mere moments is the greatest feeling.
Along with the loving hugs, we began the back scratching parties and massage parties this evening! Another loving act comes out of physical touch and the holding of a hand, the hug, the back-scratch or massaging without even being asked, but just doing it because you want to give someone some form of love of because you think that they could use it or would appreciate the unexpected.
I met some new people today, some of them work group and some of them interns and got to talk to them about myself and Urban and I got to here their stories as well.
My girls and I have been reunited for a few days. Today Molly and I and three of the guys went to pick Autumn up at the airport. We ambushed her while she was waiting for her luggage and having Autumn in town for a few days and Molly here for a few days and then Katie, its me and my girls again and it is great. Also having Hugh here is amazing because he has been like a brother to me and just everyone who I used to hang out with after camp and us all getting to reconnect again.
Things are going great can’t wait to update ya’ll some more. Tomorrow is swim day and I think out possible friends reunion!
Love love love.
Monday, July 7, 2008
I'm here!!!
So I made it... I'm here in Camden and am currently writing you from Urban Promise headquarters. It's almost sort of surreal because I've been waiting for this for over a year and I'm back and I've gotten to see some amazing people that I love.
So last night (Sunday) I finally finished packing, which took me a few days to figure out what I would need and what I wouldn't and I was going to have my parents ship me a box of some games and knick-knacks for the kids, but I ended up switching to a bigger bag and packing all of that stuff. Then I had my purse and a carry-on backpack which was huge because I had a game and a pillow in it.
"No offense, but girls can't pack" --Rob
To be honest, Rob was right because I thought that I may fall over with that backpack. haha
I didn't get much sleep last night, but my dad and I woke up this morning and left for the airport at 5:45am and I had done check in the night before so I was practically immediately in as soon as we got there and my bag was under 50 lbs. Yay! The thing that took the longest was waiting to get my luggage checked. While waiting to board the plane, it is fun to people watch. As they began to have people board the plane, its almost as if people wanted to rush the door. They will loading people by sections, which it didn't matter if you went up there, you were sent out of line if it wasn't your turn. I thought it was kind of funny. I ended up being seated near the front of the plane and had an aisle seat. The plane ride was rather nice, with the exception of the girl next to mee. She was a little bit big and so I felt quite squished and she slept the entire ride, which was fine... BUT she snored the entire time. It wasn't even like it was heavy breathing, she snored so load that sometimes she would wake herself up and then go back to snoring again. My headphones where in my carry-on and were stowed in an overhead compartment three rows back so I couldn't get to them to block out the sound and when I tried to sleep I had to lean to one side so I wouldn't have loud noise in my ear. At least I got A LOT of reading done.
The plane landed about 30 minutes behind schedule only be we had to circle around because the airport wasn't ready and didn't have room for us to land. We finally landed at 5pm and I went and claimed my luggage. It made it this time! My suitcase was like the 10th or 20th bag out, and I grabbed it and headed for the pick-up area.
Cleveland picked me up not too long after I got my luggage and called him and we headed to Urban. As we got closer and I recognized building and landmarks and as we approached Urban Promise, I began to get more and more excited!!!
Then we arrived...
I have spent the past few hours just saying hi to all the interns that are at headquarters and hanging out and wandering around. I still figuring out specific living situations... but I hope to surprise my girls at camp tomorrow!
Love you all. Thanks for reading, tell our friends about it all... I can't get into myspace here to do a update and post for our friends... so spread the word.
So last night (Sunday) I finally finished packing, which took me a few days to figure out what I would need and what I wouldn't and I was going to have my parents ship me a box of some games and knick-knacks for the kids, but I ended up switching to a bigger bag and packing all of that stuff. Then I had my purse and a carry-on backpack which was huge because I had a game and a pillow in it.
"No offense, but girls can't pack" --Rob
To be honest, Rob was right because I thought that I may fall over with that backpack. haha
I didn't get much sleep last night, but my dad and I woke up this morning and left for the airport at 5:45am and I had done check in the night before so I was practically immediately in as soon as we got there and my bag was under 50 lbs. Yay! The thing that took the longest was waiting to get my luggage checked. While waiting to board the plane, it is fun to people watch. As they began to have people board the plane, its almost as if people wanted to rush the door. They will loading people by sections, which it didn't matter if you went up there, you were sent out of line if it wasn't your turn. I thought it was kind of funny. I ended up being seated near the front of the plane and had an aisle seat. The plane ride was rather nice, with the exception of the girl next to mee. She was a little bit big and so I felt quite squished and she slept the entire ride, which was fine... BUT she snored the entire time. It wasn't even like it was heavy breathing, she snored so load that sometimes she would wake herself up and then go back to snoring again. My headphones where in my carry-on and were stowed in an overhead compartment three rows back so I couldn't get to them to block out the sound and when I tried to sleep I had to lean to one side so I wouldn't have loud noise in my ear. At least I got A LOT of reading done.
The plane landed about 30 minutes behind schedule only be we had to circle around because the airport wasn't ready and didn't have room for us to land. We finally landed at 5pm and I went and claimed my luggage. It made it this time! My suitcase was like the 10th or 20th bag out, and I grabbed it and headed for the pick-up area.
Cleveland picked me up not too long after I got my luggage and called him and we headed to Urban. As we got closer and I recognized building and landmarks and as we approached Urban Promise, I began to get more and more excited!!!
Then we arrived...
I have spent the past few hours just saying hi to all the interns that are at headquarters and hanging out and wandering around. I still figuring out specific living situations... but I hope to surprise my girls at camp tomorrow!
Love you all. Thanks for reading, tell our friends about it all... I can't get into myspace here to do a update and post for our friends... so spread the word.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Leaving in a day...
So I'll be in Camden in less than 24 hours. WWOOOOOO!!!! So I spent some time with one of the besties for a fro-yo jam session to one of our favorite bands and songs. Hope you enjoy... we rock at lip syncing.. and air guitar and piano... not so good at real singing... all the time... or filming while driving... sssh!!!!
Love ya'll...
the next video update will be from Philly/Camden!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Camden Money... 4 More Days
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Thank you to everyone who has given your support prayerfully and financially to help Camden. I cannot wait to share with the kids how great my family and friends back home are! Thanks to you, you have funded me going to Camden... are paying for trips for lunch and ice cream with the kids, trips to the pool (we got swimming once a week and the kids cannot often afford it), and fans for my hot camp. Also I'll be buying water jugs so we have plenty of water to keep the kids hydrated.
Wish me luck, pray for me, give me lots of love and hugs before I leave. I'd love calls before I leave, and calls and messages while I'm there.
4 more days baby.... 4 more days... until I'm under the Camden Umbrella-ella-ella-a-a!
love. love. love.
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