I am spent, exhausted, happy, tired, and in love with my trip and the city of Camden. Today was quite a whirlwind of good and sorrowful emotions. After getting back from New York yesterday I hung out with Molly and Sean for a little while and then Molly and Josh and I just hung out until about 2am and then headed to the Trekker House and Molly and I stayed up and talked for about a half hour longer.
After going to bed at about 2:30am, I woke up at about ten to 7am and had a shower and got ready for choir. Sean, Mae, Courtney, and I rode in the van with Jeri and her husband to the choir performance and everyone else rode in the UP bus. We slept or attempted to sleep the entire way (2 hours), the van was quite uncomfortable however. We got to the church a little less than half an hour before the service and the rest of the choir didn’t arrive until about 5 minutes before the service started.
We sang two songs and then had lunch at the church and then headed back to UP. Not long after Sean and I went with Molly to Philly to take her to the bus stop to leave back home to D.C. Her and I had a long goodbye and I hugged her and just whispered safe wishes and told her I love her and I looked up and she was all teary-eyed and I was a little bit as well. Molly is such an amazing woman and an amazing friend, I was so glad I got to spend my first week back in Camden with her. I know we’ll be friends for a very long time.
Our little group headed back to UP and then I read some scripture from the Bible and just thought and reflected on everything. We headed to First Baptist in Haddonfield and had dinner that the church there and then everyone broke into their cell groups and I hung out with Erin Main and talked about her mini t-shirt business and her designs. Then we had service and it was amazing.
I’ll talk more about all of my feelings regarding what happen, but basically God is good and I am so happy and blessed to be back in Camden and I am so sad that I have to leave and go back to life in a week. With Molly gone and just thinking about how great God has been and reflecting on last year and how much I’ve grown up in the past year, I began crying during one of the worship songs and then I was okay. And then Sean sang a song and played piano and at that point I had lost it, I was balling like crazy, to the point that I couldn’t even open my eyes with all of the tears streaming down my face. I could only listen and thank and pray to God as more and more tears ran down my face. We sang a few more worship songs and I continued to cry and then Tony Campolo spoke about a little bit of everything and about youth.
I got to see Brent after the service, finally! Then I just chatted and hung out with some of the interns and there were lots of looking into each others and lots of hugs. We headed back to UP and I packed up my stuff to go back to Cleve’s house and then hung out in the girl’s house and Kumar gave me a ride back and here I sit writing, completely exhausted.
I love you all and cannot wait to tell you of just the amazing God things happening!
Love love love.
Below are some more pictures from New York...
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