A Glimpse of Mi Vida...

It started with a missions trip to Camden, where my life and perspective were changed and where this blog began. Life has been a roller coaster filled with its ups and downs and I'm excited for the adventure and discovering what God has in store, even though I really dislike roller coasters... I am a Lady in Waiting...

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Ll = Lady and Love Letters

L is for Lady and Love Letters

What else would the letter L stand for, other than LOVE.

Love is so beautiful to me, honestly thinking and praying about it brings me to tears when you get me going in deep conversation about it. I believe the thing that I find most beautiful is the love that God showed. He gave His Son. Can you imagine, giving up your son for the salvation of life? It is so beautiful.

More than beautiful is the love God has for us and the love that He allows us to partake in. I am not married, but it is one of the greatest desires of my heart. I desire to be loved, to love, and to show Christ’s love for the church through my marriage. I am not desiring a husband to be my savior, but to be my companion and partner in life. So I patiently await on God and pursue Him and invest in my relationship with Him. I desire to be a Lady in Waiting… waiting on God’s best. Becoming the woman I desire to be and the woman God desires me to be while waiting for His “Mr. Right”. Whether He comes, next year or, in five years, or even in five minutes… I know that there will be beauty in the love that we will seek and pursue together in relationship because I have waited. I have not gone out to seek him, I desire only to seek HIM.

I desire to be a LADY of Reckless Abandonment.

Mary said, “I belong to the Lord, body and soul.” (Luke 1:38).

Last year, amidst tears and worship songs in my car past 10pm at night in my driveway, I broke it. I broke my alabaster box at His feet. I took my alabaster box filled with my body, soul, dreams…everything… I entrusted all those things to Him. With Jesus as my Lord, I can joyfully walk on the path that God has for me. The Lord is so worthy of that honor of me giving my all to him. It must be ALL or NOTHING.

I have played the game of giving God things halfheartedly and my life and heart were only half-filled with His love and desires. That never worked, so I must give Him my all, my everything, and do “nothing” but allow God to work.

I have discovered Christ is my Bridegroom. I gain fullness in Him, not in a MAN. My days are filled with HIM, not a him. My time is filled with conversations of Him, thoughts of Him, and the desires of His heart and what He wants for me. He has made me into a woman of diligence as well.

My singleness allows me to be a Lady of Diligence. I have all the time in the world to pursue Him wholeheartedly, without distractions of a man. This is the most beautiful time because it allows me to have God control my time and choices. I believe that this is a time that God is preparing me for Him and him. He is preparing him for me as well. I desire to spend my free time with Him verses pursuing emotional pursuits that lead to no where but heartbreak. This is the first time in my life that I enjoy and love my singleness. Don’t get me wrong, I cannot wait to be in relationship but for right now... I have feelings towards no one and desire to enjoy my free time with God, family, and friends. I get to travel and sing and dance and laugh and just be me… the real me. Not the me of being nervous and acting different because I’m trying to impress someone. I have no one to impress because the man I marry and the man God has for me, love me for me. I can feel comfortable and be me.

With Christ as my bridegroom, I desire to know Him more intimately. I just started reading this book called His Princess Bride by Sheri Rose Shepherd and it Love Letters from Your Prince. One thing I desire to do before I get married and desire to do during my singleness and even dating is write love letters to my future husband and God. I want to have a journal/book of my deepest prayers and heart’s desires for my future husband and leader in our relationship with Christ, my partner and soulmate. I think it will be beautiful to give my letters to God to my husband one day, for him to see how I have prayed for him and began loving him before I may have known who he is, to see God fulfill those desires and dreams will be so beautiful. So to take a love letter from the book and turn the words to reflect me desire and love for God:

“The Lord All Powerful, the Holy God of Israel, rules all the earth. He is your Creator and husband, and He will rescue you.” –Isaiah 54:5

Dear My Eternal King,

You are my beloved. I desire for you to carry me over the threshold of Eternity. My desire is to see me, the way you see me. I desire to see the princess that I am, to see myself as your holy and pure and precious Bride. I am beautiful because You made me. I am made perfect in Your sight. You are the lover of my soul. I long to get close enough to you to glimpse Your desires for me and to have a glimpse of Your eternal love. I pray that I seek You with my whole heart, reveal Yourself to me in beautiful ways. I pray that You will continually give me hope to change my view of You, myself, and those around me.

Forever and Always Your Bride,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love it! very sweet and imaginative! Thanks you so much for sharing!
