A Glimpse of Mi Vida...

It started with a missions trip to Camden, where my life and perspective were changed and where this blog began. Life has been a roller coaster filled with its ups and downs and I'm excited for the adventure and discovering what God has in store, even though I really dislike roller coasters... I am a Lady in Waiting...

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

On My Heart: Tuesday: Jobless Blessings

On My Heart Tuesday: Jobless Blessings

So I have yet to share this on my blog and have barely mentioned it on Facebook... but I am one of the many jobless in California. But I can't help but feel so blessed by the opportunity to have time to serve now.

I remember the day I was let go from my job so vividly. It was towards the end of October and it was abrupt and sudden. I left and just drove with tears streaming down my face. I ended up at the church and walked into one of the offices, one which I didn't frequent. One of the ladies asked what was up and I just began to weep. She ran over to me and just hugged me and prayed. It was so comforting... I felt God in that moment comforting me. Amidst my tears, I said, "This is a backyards blessing!" I was right.

I hated my job because it sucked the life out of me. I remember as I roamed around Peru this summer praying that I would some how be let go of from my job. I knew I wouldn't leave because God had repeatedly told me to stay. I would have to find a job or be removed. Due to unfortunate circumstances, I was let go of and it has turned to be the biggest blessing.

I learned to move on and to not hold on to resentment or bitterness because if I did, I couldn't receive God's blessings, or even recognize it. Within two weeks I had already had four job interviews. God was showing me that "He Had It!"

Soon after I got out of my funk, I started volunteering in that same office that I somehow ended up in that day. Looking back I can't believe how I have not only been a volunteer staff working 9 to 14 hours around Thanksgiving and Christmas, but the people in that office have become my family. I have learned project management amongst other great things I can add to my resume. I am also going to Haiti this summer as a co-leader, which is another blog entry in itself.

With free time, I am officially starting my freelance business. I already have my business names registered. I have spoken with my accountant and write-off a majority of my expenses like a computer and new camera. I am doing something that I love that I would not have had the time for. I am able to take what I learned from the past year and a half and it will help me grow my business. I have a website picked out and hope to launch it by the end of January!

I stepped down from a form of leadership after praying about it and God confirming more than once that wasn't where I was suppose to be. God allowed me to take on more responsibility in our outreach department, which is where my heart has always been... I just had never realized it. I also have left a small group where I was not only feeling left out but where I wasn't growing in the way that I should. Now I have more time to focus on the small group that I lead but also invest in the girls that feel left out and not part of the "clique". That is a ministry in and of itself. I have been able to form so many new friendships and now couldn't imagine my life without these wonderful ladies. I love getting to pur into them and having deep conversations.

I have become so close to three families especially which I consider myself to be apart of that family. As I have mentioned before my home life and relationship with my family is extremely difficult at times and I almost feel more loved by these new families than I do by my own at times. One of which, I feel like I have a new best friend and sister... I have gained a spiritual mentor through a husband and wife who constantly pray for me and lift me up and offer me the love and support that my soul quenches for. They feed my love languages. Another family invites me to hang out and have fun with adventures at Disneyland where I get to feel like a child again. I get to laugh and joke and I consider them to challenge me to learn and grow about so much, especially the mom... we are so similar and think and mesh really well together. The last family has adopted me practically... as the girls in the family have said. I have spent a whole day cooking with them and then spent hours at the mall with a teenage girl shopping for Christmas plants. I have laughed to no end and even have my own ringtone on each of their cell phones.  I am so blessed because I feel so loved by these spiritual families... they are loving, caring, generous, considerate... and FUNNY!!!

Lastly I had a lovely Thanksgiving and Christmas. Thanksgiving I spent at church volunteering and serving meals to those in need as my family for the 2nd year in a row ate without me. I jumped a fence and even led and helped to organize a site. On Christmas, my dad didn't get high or drunk so that was a blessing in itself. My cousin announced that she and her husband are pregnant after miscarrying a few months prior. I got to spend time with my godson and see him play with all of the gift that I got him... most of which I had to put on credit... but I also cut back this Christmas and didn't really buy gifts for anyone. Then I got to spend time with my grandparents... hearing my grandmother sing Christmas music as we drove around the city. But also I got to see my grandfather... which I cherish and almost brings me to tears just thinking about. He has progressive Parkinson's and is showing signs of dementia...

As I leave you this evening... I can't help to think of how blessed I am...


Dea Moore said...

Thanks for the peak into your jobless but very busy life! Wow how blessed you have been when God answered your prayer to be released from that job.

I just got back from Haiti a few days before Christmas. I posted today about the Sunday before Christmas--Grace Sunday-- that I spent with the Canaan Christian Community.

I loved Haiti. So thankful you are going to minister there.

May God bless you in the coming year.

I posted after you on Pause on the Path and so happy I did.

Anonymous said...

Jennifer this is a great post. You are an excellent writer. I hope 2012 brings more blessings and a successful business. Let us know how we can support you.