A Glimpse of Mi Vida...

It started with a missions trip to Camden, where my life and perspective were changed and where this blog began. Life has been a roller coaster filled with its ups and downs and I'm excited for the adventure and discovering what God has in store, even though I really dislike roller coasters... I am a Lady in Waiting...

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Greetings from Camden


I am sending you this message from Camden, New Jersey!

Isn't that crazy?! I can't believe I am here already and on my second day! Wow! I don't have too much time for a full update, I hope to write that sometime soon! However, things are great and yet so crazy. Upon arriving in Philidelphia, one of my luggage bags did not arrive and now the next day it has not still arrived. They couldn't seem to find my location today and so hopefully it is suppose to be delivered tomorrow morning. Luckily it is just my bedding and my personal items like tooth brush and such. The bag that I did manage to get is the one with all of my clothes!

So my first night was definately a rough one, my lack of sleep and loss of my bag made me very emotional, but I've been praying a lot and I know that God is extremely faithful and he will provide and all will work out! Also I found out the age group, where I will be working, and the class. I will be working with other kids in the downtown area of Camden, the toughest part with the toughest kids. I am living in a three storie house plus a basement. I am staying in a room with four girls, it's awesome! The trek up the stairs is something else, it's like a hike. haha. And the weather is so hot and humid, more humid more than anything else... it reminds me of being in the Philippines with my family. I am working at Camp Grace which is located at a church in downtown and the kids are tough, but the staff is great. I'll be teaching Bible with one of my housemates, Andy for the first week and then we'll rotate.

Well, I must be going! But have a wonderful day!

Please pray for:

The safe return of my bag (luggage).
Team togetherness for my housemates.
God's overall protection of my team mates and staff members!
To feel and know God's love and GRACE!

"For it is by GRACE that you have been saved!"

Blessings and Love,

Jennifer Elrod