A Glimpse of Mi Vida...

It started with a missions trip to Camden, where my life and perspective were changed and where this blog began. Life has been a roller coaster filled with its ups and downs and I'm excited for the adventure and discovering what God has in store, even though I really dislike roller coasters... I am a Lady in Waiting...

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

He Is There In Pursuit

He was in pursuit of her. He sought her out.

Her name was Sam, at least that what I call her to give her personality or rather she deserves a name. She was the woman at the well but I think she was more than just some woman. Ashamed because of many of her choices, there she stood at the well. She wanted to be unseen, so she traveled out to the well during the hot and blistering midday sun because it was then that she could be unseen because no one traveled out during the heat. Most women went to the well in the coolness of the morning or evening because of the weight of the jars filled with water. She carried more than just the weight of water jars however. She felt shame and disappointment in herself. She was mocked and ridiculed daily because of her history, because of her past.  The physical pain of the heavy water jugs during the midday sun must have bore much less than the weight of hurtful words and constant stares had she gone with everyone else. But He was there. He sought her out.

He simply spoke to her and asked for a drink of water. He was different. There was no judgment or ridicule in His voice, no condemnation. He met her there and she listened. She let Him speak into her life. He met her there a midst, maybe, one of her loneliest moments of the day.

It reminds me that He is there. He is in pursuit of me. He is there in our lowest moments when we feed into the self-doubt and self-pity that we inflict upon ourselves, or that we allow to be poured out onto us.

Although He is there, He wants us to realize it and seek Him and be in pursuit of Him.
He is waiting for me and you to come to Him because He knows all that I am going through because He has been there all along. Through every moment, He has there. He was present.

He is there when we are going through the motions of life and when everything seems like a blur. He is there when we are afraid to move forward and don't know what the next step will be.

He is there when we criticize and doubt ourselves. He is there with others criticize and doubt us.

He is even there a midst the endless days of chores, phone calls, to-do lists and wondering if we will find any meaning in monotony.

He is there when we feel ignored, belittled, and alone.

He sees out hurt and pain through the rejection and disappointment, yet He still pursues us and offers perfect love.
He offers a love that is fair, patient, and kind. He keeps not record of our wrongs or He never throws them back in our faces later. He offers forgiveness and restoration. His love will never disappoint or give up on us.

Knowing all this... can we stop what we are doing and talk to Him?

Can we offer Him more than just a sip of water, but can we offer Him our heart and our whole life for the rest of our lives?

He is there waiting and wanting to listen.

Dear Lord,
I thank you for pursuing me and seeking me out a midst the clouded judgment of myself. I want to know you more and only rely on you each and every day. I desire to live with Your love and to feel secure within it. Help me to know that only You can comfort me. I pray that I not fall prey to the lies of the enemy that await in the corner ready to attack and attach the lies to my heart or to my wounds. Help me to rest in Your arms and in Your word daily. Help me to remember You are ALWAYS there without judgment. I shall not fear because You offer endless love and forgiveness.
In Jesus' Name,

On In Around button

Monday, November 7, 2011

All Stirred Up

"For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to His good purpose." - Philippians 2:13.

This morning I read a devotional that talked about stirring things up, it gave an illustration of a cup of coffee. This cup of coffee had the warmth, it had the right color with the perfect amount of cream added, and the sugar had been also pour in. As the coffee was sipped, the taste was off. The coffee had not been stirred...

Sometimes in our life, we are like that cup of coffee... we can go to church, be in a small group, pray every day, and read our bible but something can be off or we can be at a stand still. Sometime we can have all the components and ingredients, but we need to be stirred.

When things change, become unstable, or things get stirred up- we may question why is God doing this? Why has He forgotten me in a trying time?

But have WE forgotten that His hand may be doing the stirring, shifting, or moving. Sometimes things have to be mixed up so that He can reach us... and reach the things that He wants to work on.

Like we can have a glass of milk and chocolate syrup in it, but that doesn't make it chocolate milk. It has to be mixed, and not just a light stirring. But sometimes we have to scrap the bottom of the glasses in order to get that richness of color and taste of that chocolate milk. God's stirring is very similar.

He works in you and me to better accomplish His purpose.

Sometimes we need to be shaken, sometimes stirred, and sometimes just straight up on ice.

We know that we cannot always stay in one place or stay at a stand still... we are called to be uncomfortable. We are suppose to be always changing and growing, aren't we?

When we feel stirred up in our lives, remember God has a greater purpose. He loves us enough not to let us settle or get stuck (like the chocolate in the glass, or the sugar at the bottom of a coffee cup) and to not leave us bitter.

All the elements can be there but sometimes we just need a good stirring!
And in the stirring and swirling we are moving in order to become what He has intended.

I thinking I am being stirred in my life right now... and I am along for the ride and am waiting for the spinning to stop. But I am so excited to see the outcome, to see and taste the goodness of the Lord. I willing and ready to learn and grow and to be on the move...

Prayer for those filling stirred:
Dear Lord, when I am feeling stirred up, help me to think of it as You are working Your sweetness into me, as You preventing me from becoming stuck. I want to move forward with You and become what You have in mind... In Jesus Name, Amen.

"May the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of sheep, equip you with everything good for doing His will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to Him, through Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever." -Hebrews 13: 20-21.

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