A Glimpse of Mi Vida...

It started with a missions trip to Camden, where my life and perspective were changed and where this blog began. Life has been a roller coaster filled with its ups and downs and I'm excited for the adventure and discovering what God has in store, even though I really dislike roller coasters... I am a Lady in Waiting...

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Two more weeks...


I truthfully don't remember much from last week really.

On Wednesday, we went to Camp Edge but on the way there one of the girls started to have an allergic reaction to some latex her and another girl were playing with. So we pulled over the bus and had to take her off and call 911 because her eye began to swell up and was doubling within a few minutes time. Finally the peramedics arrived to pick her up and then we were back on the road to camp edge. That camp was an outdoor camp for the kids and we went on a nature walk and they got to swim in a lake. The leadership and organization was pretty much "butt" (as the kids say).

Thursday, we didn't have a basketball game so me, Leann, and Holly went out for coffee and an early dinner and then afterwards we had camp night with the downtown kids which lasted about two hours. Later that evening a group of us went to Friendly's for dessert and so I didn't get back home till 1am or so.

Friday, we had another intern staff night and we went to a pool club and hung out and swimmed. I didn't go swimming because I was still sick, but I read my book by the pool and finally finished it! Yay! After we got back, Chelsea, Hugh, and I went to see the 10:30pm showing of the Simpsons movie, but it was sold out! :( So we bought tickets for the 11:30pm showing and went and had an amazing time. It was nice to be away from everyone and just laugh!

Saturday... what a day... we went to Washington, D.C. and it was so exhausting. We left Urban Promise at 9am and didn't arrive until 1:15pm because of traffic and stopping to go to the bathroom and such. We first went to the White House and the Washington Mounument and then we went to the Holocaust Musemum. We spent about 2 hours there and it was amazing and saddening and you just felt all these emotions and hunger was one of them. None of us in my small group and eaten so after we left grabbed some hot dogs and preztels at about 5pm. We then walked to the Capital Building, Supreme Court Building, and the Library of Congress- all of which were closed by the time we hit each one. Then we went to one of the Smithonian Musemums and walked around there for a bit and then we met up with everyone at 8pm to head to Georgetown for dinner. We stopped at the Lincoln Mounumet first and the Vietnam Memorial and that took a little over an hour. We stopped in Georgetown to have dinner for an hour and then we headed home. We didn't arrive back until 2:30am and I didn't get to bed until 3am.

Sunday... woke up at 7:15am to shower and get ready for choir. We sand for about half and hour and then we helped east move out of their house for the surprise...

I was so exhausted on Sunday just because of the lack of sleep and all the non-stop moving and such...

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