September 28, 2013
The song I Surrender by Hillsong has been on my heart and
playlist recently. The words are truly heartfelt and captivating.
Here I am
Down on my knees again
Surrendering all
Surrendering all
Find me here
Lord as You draw me near
Desperate for You
Desperate for You
I surrender
Drench my soul
As mercy and grace unfold
I hunger and thirst
I hunger and thirst
With arms stretched wide
I know You hear my cry
Speak to me now
Speak to me now
I surrender
I surrender
I wanna know You more
I wanna know You more
I think of what it means to surrender, so that I can know
Jesus more. I think I am in a time of my life where I am learning to surrender
but also finding myself surrendering things that I held to be true at some
point in my life.
I surrendered my life in California to come to Haiti for two
months because it was where God was leading. I prayed to use my talents and
gifts in a job and position that brought glory to my Father. I can’t help but
think that I am doing that currently in Haiti for this short period of time. My
prayer was answered in a way I didn’t ever expect.
Watch this video I made this week, it combines my love for
the Miriam Center, using my photography and video skills in order to showcase
sponsoring one of these children in need in Haiti at our orphanage.
To come to Haiti I surrendered the possibility of finding a
job. I desire to serve and work in a service-based industry, ideally in a
church or non-profit setting. I am sacrificing the things that I once wanted,
the things my parents desired for me in regards to success. I fully want what
God has planned. Has it been difficult? Absolutely. Without a doubt it has been
one of the most difficult things I have ever had to experience. I have, to some
extent, sacrificed relationship with my parents who don’t support me pursuing
ministry. They have the best of intentions- they desire for me to provide for
myself and handle life and to be successful. However, my vision of success is
not monetary gain- it is to be within the center of God’s will. I have
surrendered my ideas of success and of wealth. I believe God will bless me
because of my surrender, but I don’t do it because of that.
Lord- I desire to commit all to you in everything that I do.
I surrender in order to know you more. Lord, I have left my life behind in
order to follow you- I am in awe of the ways that you continue to provide.
Lord, have your way in me- continue to work in my heart and mind. But also work
in my family’s hearts and those who don’t understand. I pray they may come to
know you more in order to understand that I have given You control over my